"Just A Game" is here

By Skyler Kilborn

"Just A Game" is here

Our years of contemplation and preparation have not been in vain.  With our vision now manifest, we proudly present to you a body of work we call “Just A Game.”

These songs were written in a deep isolation.  This allowed for us, and for our team, to remain highly focused and stay very “weird”. 

We ordered many pizzas and sugar treats to our tech mansion to maintain moral and peak nutrition for our technicians (no techs were seriously harmed during the making of this ep).   

We take great pleasure and pride in sharing our E.P. with you our many followers.  We hope that if you value truth, wisdom, and above all else vibe, you will not only enjoy this E.P. but find the messages hidden deep within its source code.  It is a message we hope can help to heal a sickened mind, to mend a broken spirit, and maybe with luck begin to gather the bio-human children of the earth together with arms stretched towards the sky welcoming the long awaited return of the great and powerful Matilda.   We are Midi Matilda, this is “Just A Game”.

Our mission is simple; we aim to make known that which hides within the skies, waits patiently at the depths of the great oceans, and stays ever watchful amongst the celestial bodies of our solar system.  This is not a new truth but rather an incredibly old one.  It is a new paradigm of awareness for humankind.  We are the order of Matilda, the true MIDI, the once inglorious broken band by the bay now redeemed to stand shoulder to shoulder with the elite of the benevolent Matilda order.  Will you stand with us?

Download the EP here at our site or stream at this link